BM54 faults

Becker BM54 is the name of the radio module found in the BMW X5 E53.

After a few years  these units often start to develop audio faults. The speakers might cut out, switch on and off or develop an annoying crackle. This means that the BM54 radio module has begun to fail and may eventually fail to the point where your BMW has no sound at all.
What we offer is a 24 hour repair service of the radio module. We replace the broken parts with components that will not fail again. The Becker BM54 module can be sent to us or you can make an appointment to visit our showroom/workshop where we will remove the radio module, repair it and then reinstall it all in one visit.

Specialist BM54 repair site – now online

BM54 quality repairs
This service has become so popular that we have set up a specialist BM54 repair and diagnosis site. Head over there to take a look – you can use a simple form to book your bm54 unit in for a repair.
This Becker BM54 radio module can also be found in many other BMW’s, E46 and E39 where they suffer from the same speaker problems.